Our story

We have always believed in the importance of first impressions and that a personal welcome is the winning concept.

A natural way to say hello

Plopeo is designed to give both users and companies a tool for new business and opportunities in a natural way on the web.

Often successful companies are described as the result of anonymous forces. We know it’s not like that. It is the individuals who create success – show them to your customers.

We behind Plopeo have extensive experience in developing flexible IT solutions that create added value for our customers in a simple and measurable way.

Team Plopeo

Jimmy Sjunfors

Owned his first bitcoin already when the rate was below $1. Previously worked as CTO and is seen by many as a hacker. Responsible for all code behind the scenes.

Jacob Hafström

Jacob Hafström

Genuine Gothenburg citizen who previously worked for one of Sweden's largest web agencies where he has held both CEO and sales manager positions.

Ömer Muameleci

Ömer Muameleci

Born and raised in Borås who previously worked as a production manager at one of Sweden's largest IT companies. Love to code and create for the user. Front end.

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How Plopeo is used

Different industries have different needs. Read about how we make it easier for our customers.

Create a perfect video

Recording a video is both fun and easy. Follow our quick guide to success.

Get started

Say hello to new customers in the way that suits you best. Plopeo suits everyone!