How it works

With Plopeo it is easy to make a good and personal first impression

Video Marketing –
in a simple, fun and measurable format

Video marketing is here to stay. Short videos have quickly become the absolute most popular way to be seen on social media.

Video clips capture attention faster and hold it longer than traditional images and text. 2024 is the year that it becomes crucial to understand the potential of video marketing and how it can drive success.

Fundera på hur du ni vill verka och synas så sköter vi det tekniska.
Låt kreativiteten och fantasin flöda fritt!

With Plopeo, we give businesses the ability to easily leverage this powerful resource to communicate messages, guide and bond in an engaging way.

Fortunately, we make it easy to get started so you can maximize the value of your videos in a fun and engaging way.

Think about how you want to operate and be seen, and we'll take care of the technical stuff.
Let creativity and imagination flow freely!
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Get started with Plopeo

Upload your video, set your buttons and start getting more customers

Getting started with Plopeo is easy

Recording a video is both easy and fun! That’s why we’ve put together a quick guide on how to create the perfect video.

When your video is ready

Once you’re done with the video, upload it for publication. In connection with this, you also decide the buttons and set the buttons.

Install Plopeo on your website

When we have ensured that everything works as it should, it is time to publish Plopeo on your site. This is done easily by implementing the code snippet that you receive from us.

Change or add videos and buttons

As soon as you have started, we provide you with user data for the panel where you can easily replace or add videos, as well as adjust buttons and links easily.

Start using Plopeo today!

Get started, see the impact, evaluate the benefits

Our customers love it

Therefore, we know that you will also be satisfied. You will be surprised at what it will give you! Leave your information here to get started today.


Of course, we have guides available for you so that your first video gets as good as possible.

Don’t want to participate in the video yourself?

Most countries have sites/places for finding acting talents to do the recording according to your script & your budget.

Så fungerar Plopeo

Statistics for full transparency

Your new tool for more business in a natural and measurable way.

We provide continuous real-time statistics showing how Plopeo is performing for your business.

  • How many views your videos have had
  • How your visitors have clicked through
  • How many leads you received

Conversion rate


Customer engagement


Customer requests