General terms

General terms for Plopeo. Last updated: 2024-03-13

Welcome to Plopeo!

These general terms and conditions regulate the customer’s use of our services and products. By using our services, the customer agrees to comply with these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.


The supplier Plopeo, part of Swapi AB with org: 559051-5002, hereinafter referred to as Plopeo.
The customer, your company, hereinafter referred to as the Customer.

1. The user account

1.1. To use certain functions, the customer must have a user account. Plopeo sends you login details and you are responsible for keeping your password safe and for all activities that take place on your account.

2. Privacy and Data

2.1. We process your personal information according to our privacy policy. By using our services, you consent to this treatment.

Plopeo retains ownership and all intellectual property rights to the code. Plopeo grants you a limited license during the Agreement Term to use and reproduce the code on the Website only to integrate, access and use the Service on the Website in accordance with this Agreement. You agree to remove the code from the Website upon termination of the Agreement.

3. User behavior

3.1. The customer undertakes not to use our services for illegal purposes or in a way that interferes with the use of the services by others.

4. Materials

You are solely responsible for your Website and the material and information (collectively “Materials”) that you request Plopeo to store and in connection with which you use the Service. You acknowledge that Materials stored by Plopeo and the Site where Plopeo is used are controlled by you and are not submitted, selected or controlled by Plopeo. Plopeo only provides a platform that enables built-in functionality for the Website.
Plopeo’s role in relation to the Material is as a web hosting service provider. You agree that Plopeo may disable your Service or part thereof after Plopeo receives a notice of infringement or for any other reason.

The customer may not, and may not authorize any third party to:

(a) use the Service in violation of this Agreement;
(b) use the Service for illegal, offensive or inappropriate purposes;
(i) You do not control or for which You have not obtained the necessary permissions and authorizations to act in that manner;
(ii) contains inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise misleading information;
(iii) contains pornographic, hate-related, violent or otherwise inappropriate content (as may be determined from time to time by Plopeo in its sole discretion);
(iv) is illegal or offensive, or the use of which would be illegal or offensive;
(c) send to Plopeo any Website or material that:
(d) engage in any action or practice that reflects negatively on Plopeo or otherwise disparages or diminishes Plopeo’s reputation or standing;
(e) sell, assign or transfer any of your rights hereunder. You undertake to notify Plopeo without delay of any known or suspected incorrect or improper use of the Service.

5. Changes to the Services

5.1. We reserve the right to change or terminate our services at any time, with or without notice.

6 Limitation of liability

6.1. Plopeo is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from your use of our services.

7 Disputes and Applicable Law

7.1. Disputes must be resolved through negotiation. If an agreement cannot be reached, the dispute shall be settled according to Swedish law and in a Swedish court.

8. Paddle

Licenses to our products are distributed by the reseller Market Limited (15 Briery Close, Great Oakley, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8JG, United Kingdom).
During the purchase process, personal data is transferred to Paddle (email address, country, zip code, payment details) which is needed to process the process.
Paddle stores information from you when you make a purchase and uses cookies (even without a purchase). You can block and delete cookies through your browser settings.
The cookies are used to improve Paddle’s service. For more information about Paddle’s use of data, please see Paddle’s privacy policy:

Thank you for using Plopeo!